Dimsport Truck & Tractor Dynos

As well as supplying trusted and reliable remaps for most heavy duty vehicles, we are also the sole UK distributor for Dimsports truck and tractor Dynamometers. 

Widely regarded as the most accurate and reliable dynamometers available on today’s market, Dimsport Dynos are a must-have for anyone who’s serious about offering remapping services.

Available in a variety of configurations, Dimsport Dynos enable you to test the output of tractors, trucks and other heavy duty equipment before and after uploading a remap.

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Stripe Image - Dynamometers

While they’re not essential, a Dimsport dyno will significantly enhance the service you can offer remapping customers. We currently supply the following workshop and trailer dynos from Dimsport:

Tractor Dynos

  • DF2TR – Single braked PTO Dyno
  • DF4TR – Double braked PTO Dyno
  • DF2TR-TR – Single braked PTO Dyno (Trailer Version)

Tractor Dyno


A Dimsport dynamometer does represent a significant financial investment, but the agents in our network tell us that they generally recoup the investment in a matter of months.

It’s also worth noting that our longstanding relationship with Dimsport allows us to negotiate preferential rates for the agents in our network.

Truck Dynos

  • DF4T – Triple Axle Dyno with one Braked Axle (Front and rear axle Hydraulically Linked)
  • DF2T-D – Quad Axle Dyno with two Braked Axles (North American Market)
  • DFAT – Triple Axle Dyno with two braked axles (Construction Vehicles)

Truck Dyno

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